S-hull: Commercial Algorithms

S-Hull-Pro_GPL code
S-Hull-3D GPL code
S-Hull-Pro-INTEGER_GPL code

S-hull has a range of commercial algorithms coded in C++ available for license. Algorithm are provided with minimal wrapping so that they may be readily compiled into projects. The implementations have been tested but are not guaranteed to be free of bugs. S-hull welcomes feedback on the performance of source code downloaded from here.

Commercial licensing terms are as follows:

A single one off license fee is payable for unrestricted use of S_Hull_Pro_GPL, S_Hull_3D (NA_wrapper2) and S_Hull_Pro_Integer_GPL. This allows the holder of the lciense to use the source code without the GPL restrictions. The license is royalty free, perpetual and non-transferable. There is no warranty that the code will perform any function and the licensee undertakes to satisfy himself that the source code when compiled performs as he requires. The licensee indemnifies the copyright holder against any liability the copyright holder may incurr trough the licensee's use of the source code.

No refund is possible.

By paying for source code form here you agree to all of the conditions of the license above and agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and English law in all matters arising from any purchase made via this site.

The source code licenses for algorithms are individually priced.

S-Hull-Pro C++

S-hull-Pro C++ differs from s-hull (the free open source version) in the following respects. The triangle flipping test is stable and is more accurate but fractionaly slower than in s-hull. A duplicate point filter is included. The source code comes complete with Makefiles. An example Visual Studio project for building a stand alone Windows binary is also included.

BUY   S-Hull-Pro C++ non GPL license! 4.99 (UK Sterling).

Your Paypal receipt is proof of purchase of your non-GPL license for S-Hull-Pro and S_Hull-Pro_Integer.

BUY   S-Hull-Pro C Sharp source code! 14.99 (UK Sterling).

A copy of the source code for S-Hull-Pro-C-Sharp will be enailed to you on receipt of payment.

copyright 2012 Dr David Sinclair